Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Importance of Using Optional Field in Sage ACCPAC ERP

It is very useful tool to use optional field in Sage ACCPAC ERP. It is important to create different type of MIS reports.
You can create 7 type of fields using Optional Filed

Text: It will allow user to put test type of Optional Field.

ABC Company operate their business in different state of United States.  Management wants to track all sales record and also segment state wise revenue. For this System Admin can create list States optional filed where all states name of USA will be listed like

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas

Now during creating Customer in Accounts Receivable Module respective state name can be tagged which will flag the customer from the particular state. During creating any kind of Shipment/ Invoice this state name will be tagged along with the Customer name. And this is how Report writer will be able to produce any kind of report related with the Invoice/Shipment (Outcome: Revenue/Return/COGS)

You can input amount. For example The customer who are from Arizona will get $500 discount beside the regular discount. It will help developer to customize the transaction. To get automated result you may need to know how to build macro. I will write a blog on Macro soon. But if you need help, please comment below so that I can help you.
Other than the stated type, you can also create the following type of optional fields according to business need

You will get more topic about ERP. Please visit http://businessguru24.com
Important Note:
1.      Maximum length is given 60, but you need to be careful what length you will use. Because More length more DB Size. If you have a list which is not more than 99, you can select 2 as length, if its less than 999, you can use 3

2.      Optional filed can be use on header level and transaction level. You have to customize your system as per your need. If the optional field impact the document, you can use it on header level and just one time. On the other hand if it have impact on every line of the transaction, you have to use it on transaction level. Header level optional fields require less DB Space than Transaction level/ Line Level.

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